New Google Analytics 4: 9 Experts Reveal Its Pros & Cons

We asked nine experts, including Google Advertising Experts and SEO Specialists, about their thoughts on Google Analytics 4. Their responses ranged from comparing user-centric tracking vs the learning curve to sparking appreciation with a forced strategy. Dive in to discover their insights, struggles, and successes with this powerful tool.
Google Analytics 4 Guide
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    What do you think of Google Analytics 4?

    Comparing User-Centric Tracking vs the Learning Curve

    Headshot of John Cammidge, Google Advertising Expert
    John Cammidge, Google Advertising Expert, John Cammidge Consultants

    I think Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a step forward, especially with its focus on user-centric tracking and predictive metrics. The new event-based model offers greater flexibility for tracking custom interactions, which is beneficial for understanding user behavior.

    However, the learning curve is a real issue. If you’re accustomed to Universal Analytics, transitioning to GA4 can be confusing due to different terminology and report structures. For instance, the absence of traditional “bounce rate” and “sessions” may initially throw you off.

    Recognizing GA4 as a Superior Tool to UA

    Headshot of Adriana Stein
    Adriana Stein, CEO and Founder, AS Marketing

    The way users are now measured is far better than UA. Marketing isn’t and hasn’t been linear, so tracking someone based on a last-click attribution model is somewhat ignorant. GA4 excels here, and due to users now being tracked with a unique ID, cross-platform/cross-device tracking makes for much better reporting. 

    You’re easily able to identify how many touchpoints a user has had with your website and by what marketing methods, allowing for much more accurate analysis and decisions when it comes to your marketing plan.

    I find GA4 extremely beneficial. And with all our clients now migrated, we have certainly seen more positivity as a result when discussing marketing strategies.

    Weighing Advanced Capabilities vs Transition Challenges

    Headshot of Iswarya R
    Iswarya R, SEO Specialist, Rezolve ai

    GA4 offers more advanced tracking capabilities, better user journey analysis, and good event tracking when compared to UA. The emphasis on user-centric data provides a deeper understanding of user behavior and engagement. 

    With enhanced cross-device tracking and insights, GA4 equips businesses with valuable data to make data-driven decisions. 

    While transitioning from Universal Analytics can be challenging, GA4’s more comprehensive data collection and forward-looking features make it a valuable tool for businesses seeking a deeper understanding of user interactions and better customization of their analytics to optimize their digital presence.

    Having Powerful but Complex Capabilities 

    Headshot of Isaac Hammelburger
    Isaac Hammelburger, Founder, Search Pros

    I immediately took a course on how to use GA4 when it was announced. This helped me understand that GA4 is a lot more powerful than UA. For instance, it allows you to compile complex reports and user journeys, and it natively records conversion events like “add to cart” and checkouts. 

    However, the complexity is what makes simple things hard. For example, it’s now a major challenge to go in and check how much organic traffic a specific blog post gets versus how simple it was in UA.

    Navigating Challenges and Intriguing Abilities

    Headshot of Shoaib Mughal
    Shoaib Mughal, CEO, Marketix

    My experience with Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has been a mix of intrigue and challenge. I appreciate its event-driven model and the flexibility it offers in tracking user interactions. 

    The predictive metrics and audience-building capabilities are forward-thinking. However, transitioning from the Universal Analytics setup posed a learning curve, especially in navigating the new interface and understanding certain metrics. 

    Overall, while GA4 shows promise in delivering deeper insights, it requires a period of adaptation and exploration.

    Appreciating Changes, Missing Old Features

    Headshot of Ken Freel
    Ken Freel, Freelance SEO Consultant, Nuaveu

    I think it’s great overall as a free website analytics tool, but I also understand the digital marketing community’s heartburn. As a former Google Universal Analytics (UA) user, there are definitely things I miss, but some fundamental changes felt necessary. 

    The shift from session-based tracking to event-based tracking totally makes sense. Personally, I like the new account structure and UI more. 

    I also appreciate the focus on privacy. However, the loss of some features like enhanced eCommerce, goals, and certain data-filtering options was a huge blow to many marketers.

    Headshot of Paul Friend
    Paul Friend, Head of SEO, The SEO Works

    Planning Carefully Gives Effective Results

    For all the doomsday scenarios presented pre-migration, once we started working with GA4 regularly, we found that it looks, feels, and (largely) functions much like any other analytics platform. 

    Careful planning and information sharing with our clients definitely helped to minimize any data discrepancies, ensured we could map conversion/goal tracking efficiently, and continued to offer ROI-focused reporting through enhanced integration with Looker Studio.

    Transitioning From Confusion to Customization

    Headshot of Ricci Masero
    Ricci Masero, Marketing Manager, Intellek

    My first go with Google Analytics 4 (GA4) was, honestly, a bit of a headache. The user experience was a world apart from what I was used to in Universal Analytics (UA), and the way data was presented seemed like it was from another source entirely. 

    I decided to take matters into my own hands and strategically tweak things. I customized the Reports Snapshot page to look more like the old UA layout, which felt like a warm hug of familiarity. 

    Then, I rolled up my sleeves and created some specific reports that mimicked the Audience, Acquisition, Behavior, and Conversions from UA. This whole approach has made my GA4 dashboard a lot more user-friendly and functional, fitting my needs like a glove. 

    Now, I’m feeling more at ease with the whole experience, and I can make sense of the data without pulling my hair out—too much.

    Sparking Appreciation for a Forced Strategy

    Headshot of Michelle Tresemer
    Michelle Tresemer, Marketing Strategist, Foundations First Marketing

    At first, I wanted to set GA4 on fire. However, saner minds prevailed, and I am starting to see the beauty in GA4. Universal Analytics had a lot of pre-built reports that guided how we approach data reporting. 

    GA4 makes us really think about our tracking strategy and then how best to set it up for our goals. This is both a blessing and a curse. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m actually liking how it forces us to think before we track. I’m all for being more strategic in how we approach and use our data. GA4 is just forcing our hands.



    I help businesses increase their revenue and become visible online through search engine optimization, social media, copywriting, media buying and email marketing.

    Right now, I'm focusing on helping local service-based businesses consistently get clients by driving targeted to highly converting funnels.

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